JAM (Jesus & ME)
WEDNESDAYS | 5:30 - 7:30pm
Parish Hall
It's a night where kids can come and learn about the bible while dancing, singing, enjoying snacks, playing games, hanging out with friends, and so much more!
There are no fees or sign up required just come on by and have some fun!

Back Porch
Wednesday Night Youth Group is a safe Christ-centered atmosphere that provides a way to connect with peers and see how God is working in the lives of other students.
At the beginning of the evening, students can visit the Youth Café for a snack and then play games like basketball, ping pong, or just hang out until the Bible study begins. Students engage in a lesson and discuss their questions and journey walking with Jesus.
At the beginning of the evening, students can visit the Youth Café for a snack and then play games like basketball, ping pong, or just hang out until the Bible study begins. Students engage in a lesson and discuss their questions and journey walking with Jesus.

Led by Helen & David Becker
Sharing the joys and wonders of planting a seed, watching it sprout, and turn into a healthy
strong plant. Next a flower blooms, the bees pollinate, and the fruit begins to form, then the
harvest. This a true blessing, witnessing one of God's little miracles while putting food on
our tables. From the first-time gardener to the master gardener, we will
all find something new from free seeds, tips and techniques plus a fun time. We have a
Palm Valley Free Seed Bank to add to your existing garden plans.Contact Helen at (512)
810-1146, email chickenladyofrr@msn.com

Iron Men Breakfast
Palm Valley Campus
Iron sharpens iron, meaning men sharpen, help, and build each other up to be better in all aspects of life.
Our wonderful group of Iron Men would like to invite you to join them as they study the bible and have great conversations with each other.

Quilting Group
TUESDAYS | 1:00 - 3:15pm
Palm Room
Come and join our talented group of quilters each week as they create beautiful quilts that are delivered across the world through Lutheran World Relief.No previous quilting experience, equipment, or materials required! Just come enjoy some fellowship, some crafting time, and some tea/coffee as well as a small snack afterwards.

Christian Life Center (CLC)
Resuming in June. Pickleball is fun, social and friendly! The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game. It's great exercise, there is some amazing fellowship and it is a really fun way to meet new people!

WEDNESDAYS | 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Palm Room
Whether you're an experienced vocalist or new to singing, our inclusive choir welcomes
everyone. No auditions or prior training is required - just your passion for music. Contact
Marvin Goad at (512) 554-7380, email marvin.goad1962@gmail.com.

Handbell Choir
WEDNESDAYS | 5pm – 6:30pm
Palm Valley Parking Lot
Rehearsals in the
Palm Room follow the school year with summers off. Contact Brenda Ramirez at (512) 917-
1482, email bramirez2@austin.rr.com.

Rejoice! Band
TUESDAYS | 6:30pm – 8pm
Christian Life Center (CLC)
Do you have musical gifts that you would like to share? Create beautiful music for the
contemporary service by joining the Rejoice! Band. Contact Blake Targonski, the Co-Music
Director at targo747@gmail.com or Pastor Min Woo Lee at austinantioch@gmail.com.

SUNDAYS | 3-5pm & THURSDAYS | 6:30-8pm
Christian Life Center (CLC)
Volleyball is a great way to get some exercise! There are players ranging from 14 to 70+ in age. It's great fellowship and a fun way to meet new people!There is a Palm Valley Lutheran Volleyball Facebook group and that is where it is determined if there are enough people to play on any given day. Go there for updates or talk to Paula or Rod Dietz for more information.

Camp Gladiator
MONDAYS | 6:30 - 8:00am
Palm Valley Parking Lot
It doesn't matter your age, it doesn't matter what you look like. Camp Gladiator is for anybody and everybody!
Certified Trainers lead group fitness outside and build a community invested in helping everyone reach their goals.
Be part of a fitness community that motivates each other and participates in social events, challenges, and games.
Certified Trainers lead group fitness outside and build a community invested in helping everyone reach their goals.
Be part of a fitness community that motivates each other and participates in social events, challenges, and games.